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Dirrty Hairy - Hard Rock

666 Dirrty Hairy Ln
Ocala, Florida - 69666
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Contact Name: Rockin' Robin

Phone: 352-255-8336

Website: http://www.dirrtyhairy.com

Email: robnrockn@aol.com

Uncle Dirrty Craig - guitar god Mattdaddy - thunder god Rockin' Robin Jericho - drum punisher Dirrty Greg Cross - party bringer Sounds like a time warp back to 1986, only better !!! DIRRTY HAIRY has shared the stage with the likes of national acts such as SKID ROW, SLAUGHTER, JACKYL, FIREHOUSE, STEPHEN PEARCY's RATT Bastards, JANI LANE's WARRANT, MOLLY HATCHET and more! The DIRRTY BOYS rock local clubs all over Central Florida, as well as annual live appearances at Bike Week in Daytona Beach and The Leesburg Bikefest! Influences include PETRON, JAGERMEISTER, CORONA, COORS LIGHT, GOLDSCHLAGER, HOT CHICKS, and GOOD TIMES!!! Musically WE ROCK like it was in the 80's with kick ass hard rock and hair metal bands such as MOTLEY CRUE, RATT, CINDERELLA, POISON, GUNS 'N ROSES, WHITESNAKE, VAN HALEN, L.A. GUNS, JUDAS PRIEST, OZZY OSBOURNE, KINGDOM COME, KISS, TESLA, DEF LEPPARD, WARRANT, SKID ROW and many more bands! We love requests, and if you can think of an 80's band that you wanna hear, we more than likely can pull it out of our hat, so feel free to let us know! We also love to BRING THE PARTY just like it was in the 80's! BOOZE, BREWS, and BABES!!! DIRRTY HAIRY pays tribute to 80's HARD ROCK AND HAIR METAL, bringing the party where ever they go to clubs and events throughout Central Florida! Not for the weak, this band will kick you in the teeth, spank you on the ass and leave you begging for more! Damaging livers, and banging heads are their specialty! Performing songs from all the 80's favorites including MOTLEY CRUE, GUNS 'N ROSES, VAN HALEN, RATT, CINDERELLA, POISON, WHITESNAKE, TESLA, L.A. GUNS, SKID ROW, WARRANT, OZZY OSBOURNE, KISS, JUDAS PRIEST, and too many more to list! Looking for NUTHIN' BUT A GOOD TIME? Step on over to the WILDSIDE, and visit www.DIRRTYHAIRY.com for all the latest party information. YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMIN' if you think 4.17.09 DIRRTY HAIRY @ the Junkyard Saloon 4.18.09 DIRRTY HAIRY @ the Junkyard Saloon 4.24.09 DIRRTY HAIRY @ Mugshots Sports Bar 4.25.09 DIRRTY HAIRY @ Holly & Dolly

Music Types

Classic Rock Dance Music Hard Rock Heavy Metal Rock Southern Rock

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Rick's Review

I have not heard this band

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